What’s Your Story?

By Mary Dunbar at HBC
In the midst of pandemic, bicycling is more popular than ever in the Heights. Families enjoy rides on residential streets and sidewalks and on park trails. Commuting to work by bicycle allows people to keep a distance. Recreational rides are a great way to get out of the house.
How is bicycling helping you in these challenging times? Write up your story – pro or con – and send it to chbikecoalition@gmail.com to be featured monthly on our Heights Bicycle Coalition newsletter where we can share our experiences and ideas. Or write a piece to advocate for a change or improvement and see if you can find like-minded citizens to join your cause.
We’re counting on you to make this initiative a success, and we think it will benefit us all. We will start incorporating these features in the edition that will come out on August 1. We’ll send a reminder a week before the end of the month. Be the change you want to see!